Make My Day New Zealand, Part 1/3

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Berichten: 3902
Maart 27, 2013, 11:19:57

I'm pleased to announce that episode sixth of 'Make my Day is out. This movie was shot in New Zealand, and it's divided in 3 parts, which will be issued every tuesday for the next three weeks.
Follow us through our 6 weeks of adventures driving thru New Zealand. The concept is simple : 1 camper, 3 friends, tons of toys to enjoy each and every parts of this fabulous country.

The first episode is released this Tuesday, March 26th, 2013, the following will be online Tuesday, April 2nd and last one Tuesday, April 9th.

Berichten: 195
Antwoord #1 Maart 30, 2013, 11:31:42
Mooooie plaatjes zeg! Pfieuw!
El Rudo

Berichten: 6292
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Antwoord #2 Maart 30, 2013, 14:44:55
wueeerghhh superbe!

Berichten: 9427
Antwoord #3 Maart 30, 2013, 19:38:02
aaah, het echte NZ gevoel, miss. dat ze in volgende delen ook naar het zuiden gaan, daar krijg je nog mooiere beelden.
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