Lou Wainman

/-||_( )|-|/-|

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December 31, 2015, 19:07:28


Extract from Upwind showing Lou Wainman doing what he does.

The 'old' days...  Joepie
Marco B.

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Antwoord #1 December 31, 2015, 20:01:51
At the end of the day  ..........
wild dreamer

Berichten: 69
Antwoord #2 Januari 01, 2016, 14:21:59
Gaaf, het oude tijdperk van de 2-lijn kites... knoopjes omzetten als je de kite verder moest depoweren. Ding vloog over je heen in 12-uur positie, etc, etc. De leuke pioneering periode.
Ik herinner me het nog als gisteren!

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Antwoord #3 Januari 02, 2016, 13:02:59
Leeft hij nog? De manier waarmee over hem gepraat wordt doet vermoeden van niet, maar ik dacht van wel

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Antwoord #4 Januari 02, 2016, 14:44:42
Als het goed is wel, sinds hij weg is bij Wainman, heb ik niks over m gehoord. Laatst dat k gehoord had was dat ie bezig was met een of ander vaag cirkerfoil geval.
Ben benieuwd waar die gast nu mee bezig is. Weet iemand meer?

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Antwoord #5 Januari 02, 2016, 14:50:02
Zijn laatste post op facebook van 22 december:

"My name is Lou Wainman

Some explanations are in order.

My life took huge drastic turns in behavior. I have bipolar disorder.

Here's a definition from the National Institute of Mental Health.

"Bipolar disorder also know as Manic depressive illness is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day to day tasks.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe.

They are different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through from time to time.

Bipolar disorder symptoms can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance and even suicide.

But bipolar disorder can be treated and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives.

There is Mania and there is depression. Mania includes talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another, behaving impulsively and engaging in pleasurable but high risk behaviors.

Depression includes having problems concentrating,remembering and making decisions, Thinking of death or suicide, and even attempting suicide.

Sometimes a person with severe episodes of mania or depression has psychotic symptoms too, such as hallucinations or delusions. "

I've been living with bi-polar disorder for most of my life. In my career it's obvious that I went through shocking Manic and Depressive episodes.

Things got really bad when I was going through a painfull divorce, alone.

My creativity and love of my daughter kept me going.

Some of my creative ideas were great like walking downtown Paia with a wet sock that I pretended was my dog on a leash.

I bought 17 sewing machines to learn how to sew.

I put my computer underwater in the bath tub because I thought people were spying on me.

I was really out of my mind.

I don't know why I wrote and showed some of the things on Facebook.

Some of my best friends are European and I hope they can understand that I don't mean any harm.

I didn't know what I was saying.

One time I painted all over the walls in a house that I rented of pictures of everything from humanoid rabbits to future kite designs The landlord was pissed.

When I drove my car I drove it like a f-one race car driver with 666 painted on the doors.

I painted up another car to look like a giraffe

and then there was the truck that got repossessed that had a superman symbol in magic marker on the hood.

I gave away a lot of things to strangers.

I would dribble a soccer ball in-between traffic

did graffiti here and there of giraffe patterns

I know I have a reputation for being a stoner and I smoked tobacco too but those days are behind me.

Now I take prescription medication and go to therapy to keep me level.

It's working.

Today I spend as much time with my daughter doing art,snorkeling,riding bikes, playing anything she wants and yes to candies and ice cream!"

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Antwoord #6 Januari 02, 2016, 22:29:07
Mensen met een bipolaire stoornis kunnen geniaal zijn, ook als ze stabiel zijn. Wie weet wat we nog van hem kunnen verwachten!


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Antwoord #7 Januari 03, 2016, 00:13:23
Hij was in ieder geval zijn tijd qua techniek en stijl ver vooruit, laten we hopen dat het goed komt.

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Antwoord #8 Januari 03, 2016, 16:37:03
Mensen met een bipolaire stoornis kunnen geniaal zijn, ook als ze stabiel zijn. Wie weet wat we nog van hem kunnen verwachten!

Hij was inderdaad tegen het geniale aan altijd, totdat een paar zakenlui de onderneming Wainman Hawaii gingen starten met hem. Sindsdien ging het bergafwaarts met deze levende legende en grote held!
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