Naïsh Haze 2009 verloren Ouddorp


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Juni 13, 2017, 08:42:35
Hello, I’ve lost my board Naish Haze 2009 around 6pm on 11/06 at the Matos Test Event spot (Ouddorp beach in Zeeland). It’s easily recognisable, it has a black grip around the handle. Did anyone found it? I’d be so grateful. Thanks for the help. If you know where I can post this same message for a larger reach, it’s also welcome ! Cheers
Hello, j'ai perdu ma planche Naish Haze 2009 vers 18h le 11/06 au spot du Matos Test Event (Ouddorp beach à Zeeland). Elle est facilement reconnaissable, elle a un grip noir au niveau de la poignée. Est-ce que, par chance, quelqu'un l'aurait récupérée ? Je croise les doigts. Merci pour votre aide ! Si vous connaissez des forums sur lesquels je pourrais poster l'annonce, c'est aussi le bienvenu !

Xavier de Villepin

Email: xavier_de_villepin(at)hotmail(dot)com

Berichten: 12
Antwoord #1 Juni 14, 2017, 15:30:18
I have seen a picture of it on Facebook. it was standing against a pole near beachclub the Zeester, the first beachclub in Ouddorp. Adress Oosterduinpad.  I think they left it there, You can check it, it might be still there or hopefully someone gave it at the beachclub.

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Antwoord #2 Juni 15, 2017, 08:28:38
Thanks a lot for the good news. I've sent them a message and hope it's still there!

UPDATE: I've contacted the beachclub but they don't have it, and haven't seen it. Do you know where the picture you've seen was posted? Thanks for the help!

Berichten: 12
Antwoord #3 Juni 17, 2017, 09:50:22
I ve seen the picture on Facebook. A collegae of mine had it send by an "friend" of het sister. But I cannot find it anymore and they didn't take the board with them unfortunately. So I don't know where it is
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