
Berichten: 12
Stond op FB van Patrick
Last Sunday, in Tarifa, I was near the river mouth where Marc and Tereza died from drowning in a rip current. Me and many others did our best to get them out and resuscitate them, but they had already drown and been in the water for way too long. I am deeply sorry to all friends and Family.
I watched Marc get pulled out of the water, and then after finding out that Tereza was still in the water, I found her body and got her out so we could attempt resuscitation. It took two attempts for me to swim out to retrieve her body. The first time I swam out, the rip current got the best of me and pulled me out into deadly water conditions while it pulled her away from me faster than I could swim. I was reminded by a man on the beach (he used hand signals) to swim parallel to shore. I was then able to make it back. Then, Tereza was closer to shore. So the second time I went out it was manageable to get her to the beach. The same man who pointed me to swim parallel helped us get out by pulling the kite that she was still attached to, as he was on the beach. I held her body and swam towards him fighting the outgoing current.
NOW, if she had released her kite and swam parallel to shore, she could potentially still be alive today. AND, if I had not been reminded to swim parallel during my first rescue attempt, I could be dead.
High tide is at 20:30 today. Anytime after that, we could see a similar rip current. A difference between today and Sunday, is that the wind seems to be stronger. But that only tricks kiters into thinking they can handle forces of nature that, without there kite flying, could kill them. I have seen 3 kiters die in the last 2 years. One was a different case in offshore wind. All drowned because of dangerous WATER conditions. Kiting did not kill them. The kite just helped transport them into a dangerous place, and when the kite stopped working normally, they were at the mercy of water forces that they were not equip to handle.
Please! Anyone kiting in a place where there may be rip currents. ANYONE kiting the lagoon today. (Better to just stay away) DO your research on how to survive rip currents. AND NEVER enter the water without checking Wind forecast AND WATER/ TIDE/ WAVE SWELL/ STORM predictions.
Kiting can be a safe sport. But you are only as safe as your daily weather conditions and your ability to use equipment safely.
*Be armed to let go of your gear$$$!! to save yourself.