Mutiny Kites - Cape Verde


Berichten: 1934
Mei 16, 2012, 01:43:26
Mutiny Kites - Cape Verde

A taster of our Trip to Cape Verde in March 2012.
Shortly after finalising our new 2012 S-Series we thought we would treat ourselves and our team, and pay Sal in Cape Verde a visit. We were blessed with waves, flat water and a lot of wind. None of us had been before and so we were all keen to travel the island and find new spots. This video shows some of the highlights. We hope you enjoy. Plenty more videos from this trip will be coming soon

Berichten: 35
Antwoord #1 Mei 16, 2012, 21:15:09
Nice ThumpsUp

Berichten: 2096
Antwoord #2 Mei 17, 2012, 10:25:33
Oli van Mutiny is ook aanwezig bij de pkra met o.a. de nieuwe S-series. Als je de kwaliteit wilt checken, kan dat bij de pkra in Scheveningen en de kbo in Noordwijk.
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