
Berichten: 1631
solutions for this kinda problems are usually not really stylish 
La Flauwurhman

Berichten: 866
With soft lenses it shouldn't be a problem. I'm surfing for about 14 years with lenses and i lost 1 lens! But be carefull with hard lenses. I don't think sand and hard lenses is a good combination!!
Seaspecs glasses are good foor kiting!
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Berichten: 76
I wakeboard/waterski/swim actually all the time with hard lenses, just shut your eyes before a big splash  Sand can be very annoying on the beach, but I doubt that will bother you on the water. Besides, you usually don't look straight upwind anyway 

Berichten: 1472
Or you could try a Diving Google

Berichten: 501
Hi a freind of mine asked his optometrist about somekind of Nike lenses??? he heard about, this could be a solution to your problem. He also showed him a pair of Adidas goggles whitch compleetly cover your eyes and lockout most of the water. inside the goggles a small pair of glasses suitable for your eyes can be clicked in!
Goodluck searching!
Nike is good busy, but how much are they now..? (hangloose_kitesmiley) I kite with soft lenses and that is no problem.. 

Berichten: 131
Sport-tinted contact lenses
During my trip in Zuid-Afrika and Maui I used sport-tinted contact lenses from Nike Maxsight. It’s the same as using sunglasses it’s really comfortable for on the water. The contact lenses are bigger than the normal ones so you will not loose them when water come into your eyes.
Jeez, thats realy something i could use! Anyone know where to get them in Holland?
he used hard lenses..
Thanks for help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
I wear daily disposable lenses and keep a couple of spare pairs with me. I lose about 2-3 a year.

Berichten: 6806
I use to kite with contacts, no problems at all.....lost twice a contact by f@#king up kitelooplandings. Just get a's worth it  In time you will earn your money back, that you use to spend on contacts.

Berichten: 2454
i also had disposable lenses and lost quite a lot.
since im wearing lensen wich i can wear for a month and sleep with them i have no problems with it anymore.
laserjob is on my list (after new kites)

Berichten: 6806
I use to have those expensive contacts you can wear for a and night. They're very comfy, and I almost forgot that I used contacts. Did that for 8 years and f@#cked up my eyes!! So, don't use them nonstop for a month!!! I got a laserjob, and more than happy since.
im using soft lenses and i can do everything.only when i splash in the water i have to close my eyes just try it..

Berichten: 2454
I use to have those expensive contacts you can wear for a and night. They're very comfy, and I almost forgot that I used contacts. Did that for 8 years and f@#cked up my eyes!! So, don't use them nonstop for a month!!! I got a laserjob, and more than happy since.
thanks for the tip, but i always take em out after kitesurfing and when my eyes are feeling tired