In Middle Tennessee, this usually refers to an exceptionally large cigar, either in gauge or length or both. Usually, the use of this word is not, however, an indicator of the quality of the cigar.
I drag donkey dicks like no other.
2. donkey dick
a penis large enough that it could hurt someone, not only during the act of sexual intercourse, but also by slapping it across some dirty shylock's face.
"ouch, my shylock face was just thwacked by a wavering donkey dick!"
"my penis is the size of the eiffel tower...i shall name it, Sir Donkey Dick"
"donkey dicks waver in the summer breeze"
3. donkey dick
A dick that is extremly floppy and long, often has trouble getting erect and may need to use viagra. If erection lasts longer than 4 hours after taking the viarga pill, you need to seek major medical attetion
Dude, you have a "donkey dick"
4. donkey dick
1. An abnormaly large penis.
2. Derogatory word - used as a adjective.
1. "Damn! That guy has a fuckin' donkey dick!!!"
2. "Man that show was donkey dick"
5. Donkey Dick
A 12 to 14 inch piece of Polish Sausage or "kielbasa".
Usually comes in a "2-pack" in which the two pieces of sausage resemble a pair of Donkey Penii laid parallel to each other and are ready to cook.
Hey hon, what's for supper?
What? Donkey dick 'n' taters again?
6. donkey dick
Army slang for a removable, bendable metal spout used to pour gas from USGI jerry cans
"Hey Sergeant, toss me that donkey dick, willya? I gotta tap this can so I can fill up the Humvee."
7. donkey dick
Army slang c. 1970s. A flashlight with a long, semiconical red illuminated extension for use after dark to direct traffic without violating light safety restrictions (because red light doesn't travel as far as white or other colors). Named because of its ostensible resemblance to an extended, erect, unsheathed donkey penis.
The MP's directed traffic around the wreck with donkey dicks.