Wave granade is normaal als je kite wordt gepakt door een golf, kan je 5th je kite door scheuren.
Met wave grenade kan je hem dan los gooien om dit dus te verkomen. Waarschijnlijk is het het lijntje van je 5 lijn die door je bar gaat en waar later de 5e lijn opkomt
Bestand te groot voor in mail :s Maar hier even wat erin staat over de wavegranade... Zonder plaatjes...
The Slingshot Wave Grenade Oneline eject system. Currently, traditional 5 line kites have a reputation for getting destroyed when they are dropped and rolled in the surf. As the kite tumbles, the 5th line wraps around the canopy and leading edge tying it in a knot. As the 5th line tensions, the canopy and eventually the kite will be torn in half. We have recognized this problem and developed a solution that will allow you to ride your Oneline system in the waves with confidence. STEPS Slip the loop of the fifth line leader line off the pin and pull until it is completely disconnected. Hold the pin with your fingers as not to lose it. Release the fifth line leader line to allow it to slide through the center of the bar and release the tension on the kite. Manipulate your bar back and forth until the kite unfolds, then relaunch your kite. Ride back to shore, land your kite, straighten you lines, and reinsert the Wave Grenade Pin onto the fifth line leader line.
WAVE GRENADE REBOOT STEPS 1&2: In one hand, hold the Wave Grenade with webbing handle so that the stainless steel ring with horizontal pin is facing up. 3. The grab line should be fed up through the ring between the horizontal pin and the webbing handle. 4&5. Now slide the loop in the grab line over the horizontal pin as shown in the picture. Pull the grab line snug and you are ready to ride.