Christophe Tack Brazil Part 2/2


Berichten: 2655
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December 02, 2012, 14:52:15

Last video from my training in Brazil for the last PKRA events.
Has been a succes with finishing 5th in China and 4th in New Caledonia!
For more visit
Liquid Force Kites - Mystic Boarding
footage by:
James Boulding - Steez Productions
Nils Wesch - Limitless Media Productions
Stefan Spiessberger
Helena Brochocka

Berichten: 111
Logs: 0 | 3 uur
Antwoord #1 December 03, 2012, 18:28:47
Paar slomo's erbij was geen overbodige luxe geweest Smiley

Wat gaat dat snel zeg!
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