Banana Joe by Roman Kaiser


Berichten: 2655
Logs: 0 | 273 uur
December 16, 2013, 23:11:46

My Camera broke in the beginning of the stay, but thanks to the awesome crew with cameras I got some good shots together and was able to make a video from lovely Uruau, Brazil
Thanks Pro Kite Brasil for the amazing time that I had!
Music: Grouplove - Ways to Go
Mainly filmed: Aina Renolen
Edit: Roman Kaiser
Special thanks for helping filming / lending Camera:
Eric Bergrem, Malin Amle, TontonYvon Delonetti, Lennart Schulenburg, Marit Nore, Pal Rype.
And all of this would not be possible without my sponsors and North Kiteboarding Switzerland!
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