Board lost in Scheveningen


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Augustus 16, 2014, 10:22:46
Hello Kitehigh Forum!
On tuesday 12.8.2014 I lost my board at scheveningen. I catched a wave, got into a rotation, which ended in a heavy impact. After a little while i got my conscious back and looked for my board, but could not see it. I I draged a few times but the waves were to high and i did'nt find it.  So I decided to drag back to the beach, because I got nearer and nearer to the pier.
My board is an Nobile 666 in 132x41  with white top and dark grey bottom, red finns and Liquid Force luxury Pads  (grey white pads and grey black Straps) and a black grabhandle on it. The board is out of 2008, but i like it much and would be very pleased to get it back.
Hang loose
Antwoord #1 Augustus 16, 2014, 21:49:06
Found in Wassenaar. Send me your contact details, I will get you in touch with the finder.

Or send him e-mail here:
Big Vin

Berichten: 282
Antwoord #2 Augustus 16, 2014, 23:27:53
Top dit!

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Antwoord #3 Augustus 17, 2014, 17:35:04
So happy!!
Thank you very much!
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