Low wind Sunrise session At Mirns

Marco B.

Berichten: 1182
Logs: 0 | 1754 uur
September 19, 2016, 19:00:58


Thursday 15 september 2016 Haye de Vries & Micha van Duinen went out on a epic sunrise session at their local spot Mirns. Ony Flysurfer can give us the much needed lowend power we need! And we had the whole spot to ourselves.

Berichten: 861
Logs: 0 | 459 uur
Antwoord #1 September 20, 2016, 23:10:58
Oldschool   ThumpsUp

Berichten: 594
Antwoord #2 September 22, 2016, 21:51:34
HEERLIJK al die tricks met zo'n trage kite!
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