The Bubble Film op groot scherm :)

Brunotti Beachclub

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December 04, 2017, 15:18:20
Hey allemaal,

Zoals jullie weten is the Bubble film net gelanceerd en het leek ons tof om die met z'n allen te gaan bekijken...
Dus....het is vrijdag Movienight!

Kom je ook?

@ Brunotti Beachclub Oostvoorne!

Vrijdag 8 december om 20.00 uur
Noordoever Oostvoorns Meer 3, 3233 NC Oostvoorne

Bier, hapjes en een toffe kitefilm om je mee te laten gaan op wereldreis op het water. Film start om 20.00 uur, maar eet van tevoren mee met ons Movie Night menu: Spareribs of hamburger voor 15,- inclusief een biertje van de tap.
Graag reserveren via

The Bubble Film by Noe Font, Craig Cunningham, Aaron Hudlow, Colleen Carroll and Stefan Spiessberger.

"This is the first fruit of an idea we had a little more than a year ago. We got together and decided to make a full length film. Like in the old days. Something people could relate to, with a bit more depth than your average clip. Something that would hopefully inspire others the same way the classics inspired us. Something people would watch more then once. And a year later, here we are. Today we release the first glimpse of what has become a creature of its own. Over the course of the year, the project evolved from a regular kiteboarding movie to a film with an elaborated story and a message to tell. Who? Where? Why? How? Whats The Bubble? Well, The Bubble is us, its ours. The Bubble is our friends, our enemies, the good and the bad. The sunny days, the clouds and the storms. The planes, the airports, taxi rides and delays. Its the comps, photoshoots, interviews and the fans. The new tricks the injuries and the crashes. The Bubble is everything, and nothing at all."

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