Accessoires - Kite Gear - Pat Love Cast 2010 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Pat Love Cast (2010)

Cast (2010)

De 2010 Pat Love Cast in het kort.


In 2009, The Pat Love Cast was one of the biggest selling harnesses we stocked and was good value for money.  The Harness is thermo moulded both inside and out and tends to "stretch just a litle when you get it wet, so buying one that is just a little on the tight side (without being ridiculous) is the right thing to do.  

The Cast is around a medium weight and "solid as".  It comes with a safety hook knife which sits in it's own pocket on the back right hand side and is retained by a plastic press stud.  The spreader bar pad is excellent and really protects you "big time" from any undue pain inflicted by a rising spreader bar.

The Elastic "kidney belts" as I call them, keep the harness down in position nicely and the harness is easy to get into and out of with the releasable hook on the right side strap.  The Cast also comes with a fixed handle pass leash bridle which is great for the price.  It is easy to fit most leashes to the HP loop.   You can also attach the leash to the "D" rings on the sides of the harness.

Overall a good quality, value for money, comfy harness that looks good and lasts if you take care of it.


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