Airush Switch Classic (2002)
De 2002 Airush Switch Classic in het kort.
The Switch concept introduced in 2001 was so successful that we are keeping this very versatile and easy-to-use board range as our Switch Classic line - only with renewed art work and refined fins. Their success is driven by the wider outline that allows for early planing and superb handling in gusty conditions.
Switch Classic 150 The Switch 150 combines a symmetric outline with a biased rocker, making it a directional twin-tip. The fine rails cut through the water ensuring enough board control and plenty of edging for upwind grip. The straps can be set up for directional or twin-tip stances.
Switch Classic 180 The Switch 180 is a wide bi-directional twin-tip with thin rails to ensure proper grip. It has a higher volume along the center-line for effortless planing. Designed around a refined Wakestyle rocker, you can boost air or land in any direction. This is also a great light-wind board for gusty conditions, and can also be used as an entry to kiteboarding that does not require jibing.
Model 150 180 Length (cm) 150 180 Width (cm) 842 45 nose/tail Scoop (cm) 10.1 / 0 6.8 / 6 Volume (liters) 18 27 +-5% Weight (kg) 3.6 4.2 Front fin (x2) CM-X 3.2 CM-X 8.0 Rear fin (x2) CM-X 8.0 CM-X 8.0
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Airush Switch Classic 2002
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