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F-One Acid 2 (2009)

Acid 2 (2009)

De 2009 F-One Acid 2 in het kort.


The new Acid II is for new school freestylers. Short and wide up to the tips, with extreme pop for better jumps and landings.The Acid is for new school freestylers. Short and wide up to the tips, with extreme pop for better jumps and landings.


Simple Concave
Glide, comfort and carving are major aspects of your boards handling. The edge to edge single concave improves all 3 points. To glide and accelerate you use the center part of your board where our new concave is 4mm deep. This effectively flattens the rocker of the centerline for more efficiency. And when carving or on edge the concave increases the bite of the rails for more effective edging. You also gain in comfort with the concave cushioning any rough water to give a smoother feeling under your feet.

Direct drive
Direct Drive refers to a board with minimum thickness, with 100% wood core and 100% fiberglass envelop. These elements are interrelated and create a coherent set answering the requirement of a high performances kiteboard. With the Direct Drive we can obtain a very precise board, quick and active as it is able to erase the chops absorbs the energy and able to restitute all that in the best of timing. The feeling of riding in direct contact with the water is even greater, and the manufacturing quality is optimal.

100% Wood Core
The core is the soul of the board; it is the key to the DIRECT DRIVE technology. Impossible to manufacture boards this thin 11mm in the center and only 3mm at the tips, without the help of wood core. The flex, the dynamic response and the chocks and vibrations absorption provided by the wood core are unique and unequaled.

Dynamic flex
The board works for you and with you. You don’t suffer from the uneven surface of the water. The results: less effort on your legs, better aim control and better sensations.

Abs inverted rail
The most outstanding improvement in the DIRECT DRIVE technology; is the flex. The board is no longer passive. It works for you and with you. You no longer suffer from the uneven surface of the water. The results: less effort on your legs, better aim control and better sensations.

- Pads Pro Platinium with Plates adjustable
- Straps ergo with Straplock for an optimal setup
- 4 fins G10 5cm with Leash Bar
- Handle STD


t Coraaltje IJmuidenIJmuiden aan zee
Natural HighHellevoetsluis
KiteboardshopHoek van Holland
VandenBerg SurfHoorn
Fly HighNoordwijk aan zee
Intersurf SneekSneek
Kite Shop TwenteOverdinkel
KiteoutletLaren (NH)
Kitesurfwinkel.nlBergen op Zoom
Kitesurshop HaarlemHaarlem

Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht

maten sessies dagen* uren tijd gem wind min wind wind max
130/39 cm 17 17
50u 2:57u 6 kn 14.0 - 23.6 kn 36 kn

*Procenten geven het percentage aan van de dagen er gekite werd.
**Het totaal van het aantal sessies waar 1 of meerdere gegevens van onbreken.
***Totaal aantal sessie-aankondigingen die nog niet omgezet zijn in een sessie.

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