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Fanatic Sky Solbach pro model (2006)

Sky Solbach pro model (2006)

De 2006 Fanatic Sky Solbach pro model in het kort.

When Sky was working and designing on his board with the Fanatic design Team they worked on a board that would be really easy to ride.

Mostly he wanted to feel comfortable on his Pro model and give rather bigger and heavier guys the chance to be 100% happy with the performance. Using the Fanatic board construction we were able to design a 41 cm wide board with a lot of planning surface but a smaller feel to it. The flex tip design reduces the heavy load on your back foot and makes the rather big board easy to control in all situations.

Introducing the new Fanatic Hammer Head outline the board sits a little deeper in the water and offers the best grip even in rough water conditions. The Sky Pro board rides fast and is still easy to load up for jumps. With the fairly wide stands that Sky prefers - powered up landings are easy to control. Sky Solbach: "I really wanted a board that people would feel comfortable riding from the moment they stepped in the straps!"



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