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Flyboards FlyDoor_XL (2009)

FlyDoor_XL (2009)

De 2009 Flyboards FlyDoor_XL in het kort.

The wood/foam core-combination, asymmetrical shape and concave bottom give the rider unmatched upwind performance in marginal wind conditions. the heel side fin setup even increases the upwind ability.

We added an even flatter and smoother rocker line to this harmonic design with a new smooth 4 mm concave.
Together with the big flex tips, it gives you maximum upwind performance regardless of the conditions.

3D calculated flex and an ergonomic toe side outline round off the FLYDOOR package, bringing you the most technically advanced light wind board available!


MavericksEgmond aan Zee
VersusDen Haag/Scheveningen
Kite Shop TwenteOverdinkel
Vliegers en CoDeventer

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