Boards - Kite Gear - Liquid Force Kite Fish 2010 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Liquid Force Kite Fish (2010)

Kite Fish (2010)

De 2010 Liquid Force Kite Fish in het kort.

The new Liquid Force 5'3" Kite Fish is the board that makes bad days fun and good days great! This unique board defines it's own category.

Starting with its full-sized fish outline, kite specific rocker, twin-plus trailer fin set up, combined with Liquid Force's ultra durable capped construction makes this a great board for small sloppy surf, rolling river swell, or light wind cruising.

With its high volume foam core, low rocker line and soft rails, and twin tip outline, it is a clear departure from the cookie cutter freestyle designs of today.

Its higher than normal volume allows it to plane quickly and keep its speed through the light spots


Fly HighNoordwijk aan zee
VersusDen Haag/Scheveningen
KiteoutletLaren (NH)

Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht

maten sessies dagen* uren tijd gem wind min wind wind max
152.5/51.5 cm 1 1
2u 2:00u 12 kn 12.0 - 14.0 kn 14 kn

*Procenten geven het percentage aan van de dagen er gekite werd.
**Het totaal van het aantal sessies waar 1 of meerdere gegevens van onbreken.
***Totaal aantal sessie-aankondigingen die nog niet omgezet zijn in een sessie.

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