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North X-surf (2012)

X-surf (2012)

De 2012 North X-surf in het kort.

Let’s face it: Most kitesurf boards are just a little too small to
paddle, especially if you’re not a featherweight. And if you’re anythinglike us, you probably wish you could take just one board on a trip to cover your kiting AND surfing needs, right?
 Well, now you can. At 29 liters, the X-Surf is big enough for most intermediate to advanced surfers to easily paddle and catch waves in “every-day “ surf, yet still small enough to comfortably kite-surf strapped or strapless when the wind picks up. This high performance bigger brother of the Whip features quad fins and a super fast rocker that carries blazing speed through turns and will blow you away with it’s tight snaps.
The optimized construction of the X-Surf offers responsive and lively flex characteristics combined with the durability of a kite-surf board, dramatically extending the life- span of your board compared to your normal PU surfboard.


5’11” x 19 1/4” x 2 3/8”image


t Coraaltje IJmuidenIJmuiden aan zee
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KiteboardshopHoek van Holland
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Van BellenWillemstad
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Euro Funcenter BrouwersdamBrouwersdam
GearFreakKatwijk aan Zee

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