Boards - Kite Gear - Skywalker LW 135 2009 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Skywalker LW 135 (2009)

LW 135 (2009)

De 2009 Skywalker LW 135 in het kort.

A light wind dream designed to get you out when most can't. In 2009 the 135 is the 10 knot wind machine designed with a flat bottom, resulting in a considerable pop and very early planning. With the 135 you will be able to have fun in 8 to15 knots of wind and it is probably the first board on the market designed to take advantage of the new medium to large SLE Kites increased performance envelope. The 135 is made in our traditional Airex C70 technology in order to make it more pricely bargain, since it is usually used as a second board. In 2009 the LW 135 will have our famous 2008 Fishbone graphic

Weight: 3,2



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0 Review(s) en gedeelde ervaringen voor de Skywalker LW 135 2009
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2 Reacties
  • markus op 01 January 2011 @ 19:56
    Meld dit bericht aan de moderator
    is 2010 model
  • markus op 01 January 2011 @ 20:02
    Meld dit bericht aan de moderator
    is 135x47.5. lightwind boardje. voor 8 t/m 15 knopen afhankelijk van je gewicht.
    ( foto moest bij personal gear staan,maar goed.)
Je dient eerst in te loggen voor je een bericht kunt plaatsen

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