Spleene Rip FT (2009)
De 2009 Spleene Rip FT in het kort.
The RIP 33 is the most radical board in the FT-Line and covers the middle to upper windrange. The RIP 36 is most suited to the middle wind strengths and can also be used as a “One Board Quiver”. The quality of workmanship on the FTLine is as high as on the HT-Line. At Spleene we don’t cut corners to achieve our goals.
Features: • 3-D-shape + full suspension tips The price-orientated boards of the Fun Tech Line are the perfect Freeride boards. Even here the Full Suspension Tips and a Semi 3D-Shape are utilized which together with the Soft-Rails provide a generally softer ride feel than the HT-Boards.
• Full-Wood-Core made from “Paulownia-Wood“ The lower weight of the ’09 Spleene Boards is immediately noticeable and provides them with much better acceleration and a more dynamic take-off. This improves their overall ride-performance, provides a more direct feel and better control in overpowered conditions.
• Classic Convex Outline makes the board more manoeuvrable than a concave outline.
• Progressive Scoop-Rocker Line for ultimate manoeuvrability and early planing ability.
• Soft edges - The Fun-Tech-Rails have a soft shape. These “softer rails” make the board more forgiving to ride and corrects the riders mistakes.
Sizes Windrange RIP FT 33: 133 x 40 cm 10-35 knts. RIP FT 36: 136 x 42 cm 9-29 knts.
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Spleene Rip FT 2009
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