Spleene Rip HT (2009)
De 2009 Spleene Rip HT in het kort.
The RIP 32 and RIP 35 are the boards for the middle to upper windrange. The RIP 37 is the successor of the popular RIP Plus ‘08 and is thus the ideal board for a “One-Board-Quiver”. It covers a massive windrange and feels at home in all conditions. The RIP 39 replaces last years RIP Max and is perfect for the lower to middle windranges. The new Rocker-line makes all of the new boards feel even smaller under foot.
Features: • 3-D-shape + full suspension tips The HT-Boards have a Full 3D-Shape that combined, with the by Spleene developed Full Suspension Tips provides maximum Flex where it is needed, on the tips around the fin-area. The results are improved suspension characteristics and better shock absorption, which lead to more control and ride-comfort.
• Jet bottom Technology This Shape-Detail describes a Channel on the underside of the Board. It allows the board to plane more freely and earlier. Compared to a simple concave the Jet Bottom provides significantly more “edge bite” as it channels the waterflow along its edges. Even in choppy conditions the difference is very noticeable.
• advanced waterflow release The new Tip Outline (concave curve in the Tip-Area) allows for a much better water release, which in turn produces significantly less drag.
• Full-Wood-Core made from “Paulownia-Wood“ The significantly reduced weight of the ’09 Spleene Boards in comparison to last year’s models is immediately noticeable and provides them with much better acceleration and a more dynamic take-off. The new ’09 boards are now up to 1,3 kg lighter, which improves their overall ride-performance, provides a more direct feel and better control in overpowered conditions.
• Classic Convex Outline + New Concave Tip-Outline Thanks to the change of the outline on the new RIP’s we were able to reduce the overall boardlength without sacrificing their early planing abilities. At the same time, the increased surface area on the tips provides the boards with more pop and “loaded jumps” become more radical.
• Railgraps for better grip (when carrying or for board-offs)
Sizes Windrange RIP HT 32: 132 x 40 cm 11-40 knts. RIP HT 35: 135 x 42 cm 10-34 knts. RIP HT 37: 137 x 44 cm 9-29 knts. RIP HT 39: 139 x 47 cm 8-25 knts.
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Spleene Rip HT 2009
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