Spleene Rip Plus (2007)
De 2007 Spleene Rip Plus in het kort.
The RIP Plus is the All-rounder. It's perfect for all styles and all kinds of conditions. You can ride it in shallow water as well as in chop and waves. It's starting very early because of 44cm in width but it's very agile because of only 138cm in length. The RIP Plus can't ride those extremely angles to the wind like our Session 41, but it's more agile because of its more curved outline. If you want just one board for all conditions, then you should take the RIP Plus or our Session 41.
The RIP Plus offer a super-easy feeling and can be ridden radical at the same time. It helps you to control your speed in choppy conditions and give you enough pop for huge jumps. The board features solid edging and rides powerful in a wide wind-range. Our further developed Full Suspension Tips are making the new RIP's track super lively through the water and turn aggressive.
We recommend the RIP Plus to all skilled riders or lighter beginners. For heavier guys it's the pure fun-machine.
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Spleene Rip Plus 2007
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