F-One Revolt 3 (2010)
De 2010 F-One Revolt 3 in het kort.
To start kitesurfing and progress smoothly into an accomplished rider, you need simplicity, safety and accessibility coupled with easy relaunch.
In navigation, the Revolt 3 gives you confidence as it offers a progressive traction during the early forward motion with a constant power that you can kill at any time. The kite is perfectly suited to all wind conditions, with a huge range. The bar feeling is very precise so you can feel the traction and position of the kite in the air at anytime, yet it is also extremely tolerant to mistakes.
With the Delta C Shape, an F-One patented design introduced in 2008 with the Bandit, the navigation is fluid with a very predictable flying experience. The kite is stable and relaunch is fast and efficient using the auto relaunch natural capability of the Delta design.
The auto relaunch is the most recognized evolution in recent years. The Delta erases the difficulties of past designs during the relaunch phase. The kite automatically tilts by itself on one tip and glides gently to the window edge, where it safely sits there without any power. You only have to guide its re-launch when you are ready to do so. No complicated maneuver is necessary; this is what the Auto-Relaunch is all about.
The one and only true safety is to be able to completely kill the power of the kite at any time, in any position. The REVOLT 3 can easily be neutralized when you trigger the safety system as it lands on his back without power.
The Revolt 3 is based on the Delta C Shape, an F-One patented design. It is a 4 line kite equipped with an EVO bridle. It is simple and quick to setup on the beach.
The Revolt 3 has all the technical developments of the Bandit 3 and is using the same materials.
The Revolt gives you all the advantages of an easy, safe and powerful.
This kite will be your guide during your first few feet as
well as your best companion during your first jumps and beyond.
Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht
maten |
sessies |
dagen* |
uren |
tijd gem |
wind min |
wind |
wind max |
9m |
1 |
1 0.3% |
2u |
2:15u |
19 kn |
19.0 - 24.0 kn |
24 kn |
*Procenten geven het percentage aan van de dagen er gekite werd.
**Het totaal van het aantal sessies waar 1 of meerdere gegevens van onbreken.
***Totaal aantal sessie-aankondigingen die nog niet omgezet zijn in een sessie.
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F-One Revolt 3 2010
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