Kites - Kite Gear - Gaastra Hatch 2011 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Gaastra Hatch (2011)

Hatch (2011)

De 2011 Gaastra Hatch in het kort.

The newest toy in the Gaastra Kiteboarding range. The all accessible HATCH.
Focusing on USABILITY, this kite provides a very easy and steady ride!
No matter if you are a Beginner or more into Freeride, Freestyle,
unhooked tricks, wave riding or race... this is your kite!

Urs Hungerbühler:

“The keyword on this kite is usability. We built a kite which is very
stable, provides constant power and has a very predictable flying
characteristic. Because of this it is big fun to ride the Hatch. It is
easy and you improve during every session...”


The RNEH (Radial Nose Easy Handling) profile in the center area provides a
balanced ratio of power and easy handling. The profile provides medium
drag, which makes the kite predictability and keeping it from stalling.
It generages big lift and huge hangtime! The medium bar pressure gives
you direct feedback from the bar, so you always know exactly where the
kite is.
Shaping characteristics are made for effortless relaunch
capabilities. The Hatch gives a straight steering behavior and follows
your commands without fail. The NACA 0018 profiles in the tip area allow
for clean and fast steering. A very sportive kite that will boost any
skill level!



  • Logic
    V Bridle System: Provides the most stable line construction on SLE
    kites. No Pullies, No Movement. Very solid, predictable and most
    important no wear and tear!
  • The bulletproof construction takes
    even the hardest impacts. The Full Dacron Frame covers the canopy all
    around and gives an excellent strength to weight ratio!
  • High
    quality Speedpump concept makes de-  and inflating your kite as
    effortless and easy as possible while providing ultimate reliability
  • Various steering line attachment points on the kite, so you can tune your kite to taste (on smaller sizes only!)


If you are looking for the “One Kite that Does It All” solution, this is
your kite. It is ready for all styles and delivers you all the power you
could ever ask for while being very easy to control!

Hatch Windrange:

3.0 = 25-40+ Kn
5.0 = 20-36 Kn
7.0 = 17-32 Kn
9.0 = 14-26 Kn
11.0 = 13-22 Kn
13.0 = 11-20 Kn







Euro Funcenter OostvoorneOostvoorne
Euro Funcenter ZevenhuizenZevenhuizen
Intersurf SneekSneek
Kater Funsport AlkmaarAlkmaar
Kater Funsport HippolytushoefHippolytushoef

Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht
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1 Reacties
  • Morres op 08 July 2011 @ 18:38
    Meld dit bericht aan de moderator
    Wil een admin 3-5-7-9-11-13 toevoegen? :)
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