Gaastra Jekyll3 (2010)
De 2010 Gaastra Jekyll3 in het kort.
“The Ultimate SLE Kite”
The Jekyll does it all! We believe there is no other kite on the entire market which will offer you so many riding styles with such a brilliant performance. The 2010 Jekyll has a super big sweet-spot and offers insane lift and hang-time which will boost you up big time!
Whether you are a beginner or a advanced kiter, you will love and push your limits with Gaastra’s 2010 Jekyll! You are more into freestyle? No problem! You can easily do all tricks out there with the Jekyll. Remove the 3m extensions on the new bar system you will be surprised, as this kite will be a better freestyle kite than some C-shape kites out there, with all the advantages of a state of the art SLE kite. The Jekyll works without any pulleys, delivering you a clean and direct flying experience and there is no chance of destroyed lines at all.
Each size has a huge range, which enables you to depower your kite up to 90%, but unlike several other kites, it keeps steering perfectly. A big advantage in powered up conditions and waves, making it easy to put the kite where you want it anytime. The perfect choice for anyone: easy to set up, fun to fly and incredible durable.
Be aware of the Jekyll 2010!
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Gaastra Jekyll3 2010
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