Kites - Kite Gear - Nobile 555 2008 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Nobile 555 (2008)

555 (2008)
555 (2008)

De 2008 Nobile 555 in het kort.

Who is it for?
Free-riders looking to boost their confidence with maximum versatility, huge wind range and direct bar sheeting with out the classic bow draw backs of heavy bar pressure, vague steering and poor unhooked performance. The Nobile 555 also features incredibly simple re-launch, superb ease of use and 4 line Hybrid simplicity to ensure your peace of mind in all conditions.

Why did we make it?
Massive wind range allowing a two (or even one) kite quiver is a goal for us all, but until now achieving this meant too many compromises. Our goal was to make a high de-power, easy to use kite that that still had good performance, but did not feature any of the drawbacks of some of the bow kites on the market.

How did we do it?
We kept the same Natural Arc we developed for the NHP. However, to enhance the range of the 555 we used a 4 line SLE (Supported Leading Edge) Hybrid configuration. With careful placement of the bridle attachment points and some modification to its normal configuration we created a kite that delivers outstanding power range, clean and precise
handling and fast, easy re-launch. Huge air comes as standard with the 555 along with unparalleled, direct, confidence inspiring handling ? the perfect blend for free-ride use.







Euro Funcenter OostvoorneOostvoorne
Euro Funcenter ZevenhuizenZevenhuizen
KiteboardshopHoek van Holland
VandenBerg SurfHoorn
Van WeeghelKatwijk aan Zee
Funsport van VlietZoetermeer
Intersurf SneekSneek
Kater Funsport AlkmaarAlkmaar
Kater Funsport HippolytushoefHippolytushoef
Siem de JongDelft
Van BellenWillemstad
KiteoutletLaren (NH)
Kitesurshop HaarlemHaarlem

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