Peter Lynn F-ARC (2002)
De 2002 Peter Lynn F-ARC in het kort.
Let op! Deze kite is na een crash niet meer te herstarten vanaf water vanwege de lengte/breedte verhouding van 7.5(!), ook wel aspect ratio (AR) genoemd. Ondanks het waanzinnige low-end, de enorme depower voor zijn tijd, de mega hangtime, een gevaarlijke kite. Prima voor landboarden e.d.
F Arcs are high aspect ratio- the 1600/9.5 is 7.5, the 1200/7.5 is 6.5 and the 950/6.0, will be 5.5 (never sold commercially). They have more de-power than any previous kite we've produced. They are better upwind than any kite we've ever made before, maybe than any kite anywhere. They jump VERY well, especially hang time- hence the name. They are very gust responsive and exceptionally luff resistant. But, F Arcs are not for bunnies*: Their pre-inflated flying is not as easy as for the standard Arc range. Their water relaunch is not as reliable- especially the 1600/9.5. It can develop a twist when nose down in light winds which is difficult to get out. And -bunnies are not birds.
Don't fly them unless you are safe and comfortable with being a long way up for a very long time- because this will surely happen when you use an F Arc. They are a high performance kites for expert users, not ever, in any way, a replacement for standard Arcs. Availability?- Just a few per week from here initially- when someone is available to make them (which will be when the wind is not OK for kitesurfing)- but larger scale production is being set up even as you read this!- true!- but after all our 1510/10 delays, I barely even believe this myself. So what's my role in the business now that others are notching up a few design and development successes? (there are more new designs "in the wind" than just the F Arc).
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Peter Lynn F-ARC 2002
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