Kites - Kite Gear - Royal Rush 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Royal Rush (2012)

Rush (2012)

De 2012 Royal Rush in het kort.

This completely new kite has been introduced to answer the growing need for high performing kites for light wind, racing, kite cross and jumping. Each size has a unique strut configuration with a combination of regular and mini strut layout and everything has been made to maximize weight control, power, de-power ability and upwind handling to take advantage of the widest wind range possible. Coming to you in only four sizes the 19m Rush will get you going in just 6 knots. Racers have the option to tweak their Rush with Kevlar bridle when ordering the Factory Racing Kit. Features Pulley Free Ultralight weight Factory Racing Kit available 5 or 7 struts.






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