Let us know how you feel about your favorite Taboo size and we'll enter you into the prize draw to win the Taboo kite package of your choice.
The Taboo is uniquely designed to appeal to the broadest possible cross section of riders. Each size of Taboo is engineered to optimize performance for specific riding styles, so there's the perfect Taboo for every rider and every riding style. We want you to tell us what makes the Taboo the perfect kite for the way that you ride. Create a short review telling us how you feel about your favorite Taboo, what size you ride, how you ride, how the Taboo helps you express your style and why you love it.
Of course we don't just want to hear from happy Taboo owners, anybody can book a Taboo demo at their local dealer and write up a review. We don't care if you write your review, make a short video, send in a photoblog with captions explaining what you love about the Taboo, as long as you let us know how you feel about the Taboo you'll be entered into the competition. You can send your submissions including written reviews, photos and links to online video content directy via email to
sc@pureactionsports.com All entries will be hosted on
http://www.bestkiteboarding.com/Taboo_review_competition_submissions Taboo review submissions page on the Best website and linked through to our Facebook page. Our team of judges will choose the winner based on how well we feel they have communicated the essence of the Taboo. All submissions will also be hosted via our
Facebook Page where you will be able to vote for your favourite entrant by using the 'Like' feature. A second winner will be chosen at random from the list of everyone who 'likes' the review chosen by our panel of judges.
It couldn't be any simpler.
1. Demo a Taboo
2. Submit your review, any type of review, written, photo, video.
3. Vote for your favorite on Facebook
The competition will end on 30th May 2011 with winners being announced shortly afterwards.
The 1st place winner will receive the Taboo and bar package of their choice, with the 'voting' winner receiving a 8m Taboo kite. All you have to do to win is write a review or vote for your favorite via Facebook.