Waroo 9 review.


Berichten: 6806
Antwoord #125 Januari 25, 2006, 05:14:58
Fer..............heb jij eigenlijk de Shockwave getest?????? Zo ja, wat is het verschil tussen de SW en Xbow?

Nope....ik kan alleen de Waroo 9 met Xbow 9 vergelijken. Xbow verus Shockwave moet je bij Arno voor zijn.
Maar van de mensen die de Shockwave in hun handen hebben gehad hoor ik dat hij nou niet bepaalt weinig bardruk heeft of licht stuurt. Dat gevoel had ik ook bij de Xbow.
Vandaar dat ik erg verrast was toen ik de Waroo voor het eerst vloog....wat een verademing was dat .

Er zijn demokites nu in omloop maar de eerste zending kites in maart zal nog een paar kleine verbeteringen hebben t.o.v. de demokites. Volgende week is die 9 weer in NL hoop ik, en dan mag het van mij gaan poeieren. Kan ik kijken hoe het in de highend is met dat ding.

Berichten: 6806
Antwoord #126 Januari 25, 2006, 05:30:27
Wakie, ik zou eerst misschien nog testen als ik jou was voor je echt een definitieve beslissing neemt.
Check:    http://www.hanglos.nl/asp/news/shownews.asp?ArtCode=9872
Antwoord #127 Januari 30, 2006, 00:23:04
Het Shockraven ga er maar vanuit dat je de waroo kunt testen in egypte ik heb hem net besteld! (kitehigh_kitesmiley)ik denk dat ik na egypte wel een leuke test kan geven ik heb een 9 en een 14 besteld!
dus kan je mooi vergelijken.
He Gozer,

Ik las net dat fer zijn 9 pas in maart krijgt!!!!!!!Maar haalt voor jou misschien niet veel uit want je zit toch met je knie!

precies ook mijn meniscus is niet helemaal in orde dus ik hoop dat egypte te halen is anders stel ik de operatie uit tot na egypte kan er prima mee lopen woensdag weet ik meer
Antwoord #128 Februari 01, 2006, 00:48:45
hier nog een review van de 12:
Review by: Carlos - 2005-12-10 (2:40 pm)
   My experience with this product: 1-5 sessions (first impressions)

This kite is amazing. I have tested the 9, 12 and 16 now three times in Brazil and yesterday i got to test the final versions (just the 9 and 12, too windy for the 16). Simply amazing and so easy to ride. I've ridden almost all other bow kites and this one stands above them all. it jumps great, has amazing hang time and watching clinton bolton, best's team rider, do massive kite loops and handle passes on it, i know it works better than an kite i've ver tried. the bar pressure is light and the kite is super reactive, the complete opposite of the crossbow or other crossbow copies. it is similar to the sonic in feel, but the waroo is faster and more reactive, although it might have a little more bar pressure than the sonic on the first back attachments, but adjust the back attachement to the feel you want by changing a knot, and it's a different kite - totally customizable feel, really cool. so if you like light bar pressure and slidy turns, you can put it on the forward know, if you like a little more bar pressure and turning like a C kite, move the knot back. the wind range is amazing and there is a lot of overlap between the 9 and 12, but i've ridden them both in different wind conditions and there is deffinately a comfort range, like i could ride the 12 in 30 knots but it wasn't really comfortable, the 9 in 30 knots was super comfortable and i am 79-80kg. the 16 i rode in really light wind a few days ago, and it had great low end, but it wasn't a complete test, i'll try to get a spin on it in 20knots or so this week. I'm cutting and pasting this in all the sizes ive ridden cause im lazy, but will try to comment more on each later. bottom line, this kite is definately the best bow i have tried.
Biased review:    not biased, i ride north rhinhos but i will soon ride waroos

Bron: http://www.kite-surf.com/userreviews/show_review.php?Ratings_Index=2066

Berichten: 6806
Antwoord #129 Februari 01, 2006, 01:23:25
Sonic Waroo vergelijking.

I've been riding the Sonic 11 for some weeks now. It took me a while to adjust the timing and getting used to the feel of the bar. The kite seems to grow on you. Overall I think to have it dialed in now and it has good upwind capabilities. THe low end is less than I was hoping for (less than a switchblade 12, similar to a Nemesis 12). Also I wish it was faster turning in the waves.

Last weekend the guys from funsplash.com let me try the new Waroo 9 in an interesting pink color. Thanks again! Here are some differences:
- all self-closing valves; Sonic has them only on smallest struts
- different bridle system; Waroo has a longer bridles
- big deflation valve and self closing main valve on Waroo
- Waroo best bar has swivel, Sonic doesn't

The Sonic has only one main valve in the center of the LE and 2 small valves at the ends of the bladder. THis way you can roll it up from one direction. I prefer the Nemesis valves since I never use the small valves and I like the self-closing valves.

The big dfference is the feel of the kite. The Waroo feels more like a C-kite at the bar. The kite seems more responsive. I totally felt at home with it. You can let go of the bar and it flies longer than the Sonic before it comes down. It is possible to unswivel the bar without using a stopper ball like the Sonic does. This setup also gives you more time to recover after a missed handle-pass. The most impresive part was the low end of this kite. It was possible to stay upwind in very light wind. Also the kite is very fast. A problem with the Sonic is if you unhook you usually have to depower the kite a little bit to hit the sweet spot. The Waroo has a depower strap that makes this a breeze while the Sonic needs to be adjusted with the clam cleat. Since the Sonic is very sensitive to small changes this can be though. For self landing the Waroo has two o-shit-handles on the sides that make it easy if you can't attach your chicken-loop to some object.

The Sonic relaunches pretty good, I did it many times. I can't really comment on the Waroo since I had it only twice in the water. It instantly walked to the side and relaunched. I guess they are both good in this department.

I bought the Sonic for the more direct feel and the simpler bar design compared to Xbow/switchblade. The Waroo 9 has improved even further. If the Waroo 12 would have similar handling it would be my choice. It would good to hear about a comparision with a Sonic 8.

2 other guys ordered the kite right after they tried it. I'm still tempted to go for it, too.

Hope this helps.
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